As we come to the end of the year it is time for an update on our new build Education Hub. Whilst we were expecting phase 1 would be finished in December, we are still just a little way off and it should now be completed by the end of January. Most of the external work has been completed and good headway is being made on the internal decoration and it's all starting to come together and look fantastic.

Although phase 1 is yet to be completed, due to the magnificent fundraising efforts of our Parents Association, who have raised over £100,000, work on phase 2 has already begun with some of the old workshops we are replacing having been knocked down in readiness. We are all immensely grateful, and proud, of all the hard work by all those involved in raising the funding required for this phase of the build to go ahead. Thank you!

Whilst phase 1 will be home to, among others, our Weavery, ICT suite, a 4 station teaching kitchen and a meeting room for our student forum group, Phase 2 will house our new woodworking workshop along with 3 smaller craft rooms, the specific use of which has yet to be finalised.

Due to the close proximity of both phases of the build, we won't be moving in until they are both complete and we hope this will be sometime around Easter next year.