Fantastic Calendars

Showcasing learners' photography skills

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Calendars on a wooden block

Our young people have been out and about taking pictures that have now been collated into two calendars. One with scenes around our grounds and the other of our lovely cat poppy.

The images around site were taken as a celebration of the environment that we live and work in. Learners and residents captured what matters to them. Each image has the name of the person who took it at the top. Photography is a great communication tool for our young people and we've seen some fantastic shots.

The other calendar celebrates one of our farm cats, Poppy. She is particularly friendly, loves to be around people and is very popular with learners and residents.

collage of calendars

The calendars are available for parents and families to buy in our shop and come with a handmade wooden stand. 

If you interested in purchasing please contact Lewis: