Three of the learners from the student forum had a tour of the new Education Hub with C.E.O and Principal, Dai Sibbons. Although not quite finished, it was a fabulous opportunity for them to see first-hand where some of their work sessions will be taking place.
They saw where our weavery, and ICT suite will be and were impressed by the space they will have. They also saw the new teaching kitchen being fitted out, the cinema, offices for teaching staff and of course their very own student forum meeting room.
After having a good look around the inside, Tommy asked Dai some interesting questions about the Hub that had been prepared by the student forum members earlier. He asked things such as how many windows does it have? How many toilets? How many metres of cable had been used?
All in all it was a very successful visit and the learners were very excited about being able to learn in the new Hub.