Are you looking for a life-changing residential placement for a young person with an additional learning need?
If your young person is approaching the latter half of their secondary education, you will probably have a feeling of ‘what next?’. You will have been thinking about how best to support them once they leave school – considering how you can help them to become a more independent young adult, find meaningful work, friendships and happiness.
Almost 50 Years Experience
We’ve been working with young people with disabilities and complex learning needs for almost 50 years. As well as Coleg Elidyr, our specialist residential further education provision, our scope has broadened to include additional support for young people as they move out of ‘education’ towards being more independent through our Inclusive Lives provision.
Beautiful Site With Fantastic Facilities
We are based in South Wales and have a huge site with our own shop, B&B, small holding and craft workshops. We’ve also got lots of modern facilities including a brand new gymnasium and a fantastic new Education Hub .
Sector-Leading Provision
Our education provision has been rated ‘Excellent’ by Estyn in 2014 and 2019 and we’ve been awarded Advanced Accreditation by the National Autistic Society. Our approach is suited especially to young people with complex learning difficulties, such as autism and we have a wide range of therapeutic support staff onsite working alongside educators and carers.
Community Ethos
Above all else ‘community’ is at the heart of our approach, that’s why this year all our programmes have fallen under the new umbrella name of Elidyr Communities Trust. Learners, residents, staff, volunteers and parents all play a crucial part in what we do.
Get in Touch
We have places available for young people with learning disabilities. If you’re interested in finding out more about the life changing opportunities we can offer, please do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.