Student Forum meets our new CEO

The student forum meets James Slater to ask about what he does and future plans.

The Student Forum members were invited to James’ office to get to know each other and ask him some questions. James is our new CEO and as the CEO, James makes a lot of decisions about Elidyr CT. Before the Student Forum met with James, they created a survey which all learners completed. Learners had a chance to put down their questions and requests for James. 

The Student Forum wanted to know what James does all day when he works in his office. James said that he does a lot of thinking, reading and daydreaming in his office. They asked him a few questions about himself. James lives in Pembrokeshire, which he loves but he was born in London. James loves Classic FM. 

CEO talking with members of the student forum

They also spoke about lessons and different activities.  James does not think it is a good idea to have phones in sessions as learners need to focus on their learning. James really liked the idea of having a Coleg Radio Station and said he will speak to Iulian about it. James stated that it is good to go swimming and as long as there is a bus and a pool everyone should go. They also spoke about parties and events and that everyone enjoys them and would like for there to be more of them. James talked about there being a summer parade and a big show next year. Everyone thought that sounded very exciting! 

They then ask James a few questions and requests about future plans. They asked him about making everything flat so that it is easier for everyone to walk around, and James said that he will be looking at easier access for learners with mobility issues because all learners should be able to access all the areas! They spoke about how bumpy the track is and if it would be possible to have a track to walk on all the way down to the Farmhouse. James really liked the idea and he said that it would be a long-term ambition. The Student Forum asked if the old tennis court next to the Gym could be turned into a multi-purpose sport area and James said that he will look into it.  James asked learners and staff for their opinion on would it be used.  Everyone agreed it would. 

Meeting of student forum and CEO

At the end, James stated that he would love to have a chat with Gruff and all the other learners and residents. James would like to learn more Welsh words. Maybe visit Clwb Clonc. James is always happy to answer any questions that anyone might have.

Thank you very much James, it was great to meet you.