Camilo - Support Worker

From the volunteer programme to staff member.

Camilo, first came to Elidyr Communities Trust from Columbia on our international volunteer programme. In February 2022 the UK government added care workers to the shortage occupation list. This allowed us to give paid employment opportunities to some of our best overseas volunteers, including Camilo! This is his story ...

Initially I was a volunteer. I liked it it so much, when I had the opportunity to stay I took it,  and now I’m a support worker.

A typical day as a support worker at Elidyr Communities Trust

I live in the nearest town to Elidyr Communities Trust, Llandovery, therefore it takes me around 10 minutes to drive to work. I start my day with a nice chat and coffee with the team, checking updates for the day. Later on we work to support residents with their routines, such as washing, dressing, breakfast and house chores. During the day I go with them to their sessions like gardening, craft, baking. Together we tackle tasks and projects, alongside other residents and staff. We eat lunch and supper together back in the house. During week days we do an evening activities such as discos, swimming, pub, youth club and gym night.  

The best thing about working at Elidyr Communities Trust

This does not feel like a job! I spend time with residents creating this great relationship with them and I am surrounded by the beautiful landscape of the countryside.

What would you say to someone who was thinking of joining Elidyr Communities Trust?

If you want to have a great experience of helping and you enjoy the calm and beauty of nature and the countryside, this is the right place for you. 

If you'd consider a career in care, have a look at our vacancies page.


Blockquote Content

This does not feel like a job! I spend time with residents creating this great relationship with them ...
